Swarali Surana


High Five Individual Award

Comments : For the excellent grasping shown on Netezza on Cloud Project and work done on scaling tasks


CS380L : Advanced Operating System (University of Texas at Austin)

Grade : A

Syllabus :
• CPU Virtualization
• Memory Virtualization
• Storage Virtualization
• OS Architecture, Containers, Full-Machine Virtualization, Heterogeneity


CS391L : Machine Learning (University of Texas at Austin)

Grade : A-

Syllabus :
• Mistake Bounded Learning
• Decision Trees; PAC Learning
• Cross Validation; VC Dimension; Perceptron
• Linear Regression; Gradient Descent
• Boosting
• Maximum likelihood estimation
• Bayesian inference
• K-means and EM
• Multivariate models and graphical models
• Neural networks; generative adversarial networks (GAN)


High Five Team Award

Comments : Significant contribution for releasing the first version of IBM Performance Server for Postgres Product


High Five Individual Award

Comments : For efforts and perseverence shown in solving critical Netezza defects in areas of Replication and System Health Check.


All India Rank 437 (among > 100,000 students) in Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE), 2019


ACM India Summer School on Information Security and Forensics (for Women)

• I had applied and was selected in the top 40 amongst girl applicants from all over India based on our resume and Statement of Purpose for attending the school.

• Theory and hands-on learning on topics like Cryptography and Number theory, Data Privacy, Digital Forensics Fundamentals, Mathematical Models of Computer Security, Mutual Trust Mechanisms, Network and Internet Security and Software and Application Security.

• We had a cyber forensic field agent who got us started with actual tools used by them to capture information from compromised systems.


Microsoft India Academic Research Summit

• The purpose of this research summit was to share ideas and explore challenges faced around using technology for societal good

• Eminent Researchers like Jaime Teevan (Chief Scientist, Microsoft Research), Nutan Limaye (Professor, IIT Bombay), and Srujana Merugu (PhD, University of Texas at Austin) were a part of the ACM-W (ACM-women’s Initiative to encourage the participation of women in computing) panel discussion. In this, they talked about their journey and research work.

• I was one of the only four undergrad students selected for the Research Summit.


Persistent Computing Institute’s Winter School on Data and Functional Programming

• The purpose of the school was to re-emphasize the relation between Math and Computing

• Learnt the integration of theoretical math concepts of λ-calculus in functional programming language ‘Gofer’

• Built a compiler and interpreter for functional programming language ‘Gofer’ in ‘Gofer’

• Secured an ‘A’ grade with 5 other students out of 40 at the end of the school.


Trained in Hindustani classical music for 7 years